Was hat shikamaru fur einen IQ?

Was hat shikamaru für einen IQ?

Sein Vater ist für ihn, nach Asuma, sein größtes Vorbild und lehrt ihn alle Jutsu des Clans. Von ihm hat Shikamaru seine Abneigung gegenüber Frauen, da auch sein Vater seiner Mutter lieber aus dem Weg geht. Obwohl Shikamaru einen IQ von über 200 hat, hat er es noch nie geschafft, seinen Vater im Shōgi zu besiegen.

Was spielt shikamaru?

Shōgi (将棋) ist ein Spiel, das insbesondere Shikamaru Nara sehr gerne, meistens gegen Asuma Sarutobi, spielt. Das Spiel ist die japanische Form des Schachspiels, das üblicherweise auf einem 9×9 Felder großen Brett gespielt wird.

What is Orochimaru’s greatest weakness?

An aspect of Orochimaru’s personality is also his greatest weakness: his arrogance. He truly believed he was immortal at times, attacking recklessly against powerful opponents such as his former teacher and Itachi Uchiha.

Does Orochimaru actually care about Sasuke?

Orochimaru also seem to genuinely care about Sasuke’s well being, as he originally thought it was best to take his time figuring out how to battle Tobi but quickly decided against taking his time when Karin sensed Sasuke was on the verge of death. Orochimaru has also shown signs of regret, seemingly saddened by his childhood friend Jiraiya’s death.

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What is Orochimaru’s true form after many experiments?

Orochimaru’s true form after many experiments. Orochimaru’s modifications have resulted in his true form becoming a giant white snake. Its body is composed of many smaller snakes that can attack the opponent. The released blood is poisonous, evaporating in the air to paralyse all who inhales it.

Why is Orochimaru called the three legendary Shinobi?

During the Second Shinobi World War, Orochimaru joined Jiraiya and Tsunade in fighting Hanzō, who gave them the title of Konoha’s „Three Legendary Shinobi“ ( 伝説の三忍, Densetsu no Sannin) as a reward for surviving their battle with him, while the rest of their group were easily slaughtered in the process.


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