Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Azaleen und Rhododendron?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Azaleen und Rhododendron?

Wenngleich sich diese Pflanzen sehr ähnlich sind, besteht der entscheidendste Unterschied darin, dass Azaleen im Winter ihr Laub abwerfen. Klassische Rhododendren tun dies hingegen nicht. Sie sind auch im Winter grün, während es sich bei Azaleen um sommergrüne Pflanzen handelt.

Was sieht ähnlich aus wie Rhododendron?

Ähnliche Pflanzen Aussehen dem Kleinblättrigen Rhododendron ähnlich sein: Skimmia japonica, Photinia fraseri, Rhododendron catawbiense.

Wann blühen Azaleen und Rhododendron?

Wuchs und Blüte Von Oktober bis etwa Mai blühen die Zimmer-Azaleen je nach Sorte in Rosa, Rot und Purpurfarben.

What is the difference between a rhododendron and an azalea?

Instead of having hair, most Rhododendrons are often scaly or have dots underneath the leaves. Azaleas also have tubular or funnel shaped flowers. Rhodi flowers are more bell shaped. Lastly, Rhododendrons have more than 10 stamens or 2 per lobe.

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What is a Windbeam Rhododendron?

Prized for its compact habit, luminous spring flowers and remarkable cold hardiness, Rhododendron ‚Windbeam‘ is a popular small-leaved deciduous Azalea hybrid.

When did the Azalea genus become more specific?

The Azalea genus became more specific in 1753 when Linneas added 6 species to it including evergreen and deciduous azaleas. It was in 1753 in his book Species Plantarum that he first classified the rhododendrons and into this genus, he places three flowers previously of the azalea family:

When to plant azaleas and rhododendrons?

In hot climates, azaleas and rhododendrons can be planted year-round while in cooler climates spring is best. Azaleas are used to decorate medium-sized to large gardens and to create arrangements or bouquets. Alongside hedges, it will bring bright colors in the spring and summer to any garden.

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