Was ist die App Smart Switch?

Was ist die App Smart Switch?

Mit der kostenfreien App „Samsung Smart Switch Mobile“ überträgst du deine Daten (z. B. Apps, Bilder, Dokumente, Kontakte, Videos) schnell und einfach von deinem kompatiblen alten Smartphone (iOS oder Android) auf dein neues Samsung Smartphone.

Wie übertrage ich meine Daten von Huawei auf OnePlus?

Verbinde das Huawei-Gerät und das OnePlus über das USB-Kabel mit deinem System. Tippe auf dem Startbildschirm der Mobile Trans App auf die Schaltfläche „Übertragen“ im Bereich „Phone Transfer“. Vergewissere dich, dass die angeschlossenen Geräte an den richtigen Stellen platziert sind.

What is LG Mobile switch and how to use it?

LG mobile switch gives you the freedom to migrate data from any android or iOS device to a new LG phone. The LG Mobile Switch (Sender) app must be installed on the old and new phone to transfer contacts, text messages, pictures, videos, installed Apps, notes, call history, and other important data on the phone.

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Can the LG Mobile switch (sender) app transfer data between phones?

The only thing to note here is that the app cannot move any content that is stored on the cloud, like on iCloud or Google Drive. However, when you login to those accounts on your LG phone, the data will be available to you. The LG Mobile Switch (Sender) app must first be downloaded on both Android devices: The old phone as well as the new LG phone.

How to fix LG Mobile switch not working on Android?

On your LG phone, check to see if you have LG mobile switch in the settings (this is different than the App) (Oreo) Open up Settings > Genral tab > Backup > LG Mobile Switch. (Nougat) Open up Settings > General tab > Backup & reset > LG Mobile Switch.

Does LG Mobile switch work with iCloud backup?

However, one thing to note here is that LG Mobile Switch does not support moving any data from cloud storage, such as iCloud or Google Drive. Therefore, if the data on your old phone is backed up to cloud storage, and now you want to restore the backup data from iCloud or Google, then LG Mobile Switch can do nothing.

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