What does Danke fur die schone Zeit mean in German?

What does Danke für die schöne Zeit mean in German?

The phrase „Danke für die schöne Zeit“ (DAHNK-uh fewr dee SHUHRN-uh siht) means „thank you for the wonderful time.“. It’s appropriate if someone took you out on a date, as well as any other occasion in which someone treated you to something, such as dinner or a concert.

What does Ich danke Ihnen mean in German?

State „Ich danke Ihnen“ or „Ich danke dir.” Both sentences translate into, “I thank you.” Ich is the German term for „I.“. In this sentence, danke is a conjugated form of the verb danken, meaning „to thank.“. When capitalized, Ihnen is the formal pronoun used to mean „you.“. Dir is the informal pronoun used for „you.“.

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How do you respond to Danke in German?

Say „bitte“ (BIHT-uh) in response to „danke. “ „Bitte“ is an extremely versatile word in the German language that you’ll hear quite frequently if you’re traveling in Germany or Austria. While the word literally means „please,“ it is also used to mean „you’re welcome“ if someone thanks you for something.

How do you say thank you in German for everything?

Offering Basic Thanks. Use „danke“ in any situation to thank someone for something. The word „danke“ (DAHNK-uh) is the standard way to say „thank you“ in German. Even though it’s not very formal, you can still use it when talking to anyone in any context and it will be considered appropriate.

What does Vielen dank für Alles mean?

Switch to „Vielen Dank für alles“ to thank someone for multiple things. The phrase „vielen Dank für alles“ (FEE-lehn DAHNK fewr AHL-lehs) literally means „thanks for everything.“. If someone has helped you out in multiple ways, or over the course of a long period of time, this phrase is appropriate.

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What does Danke gleichfalls mean in German?

Use „danke, gleichfalls“ to respond to compliments or well wishes. The phrase „danke, gleichfalls“ (DAHNK-uh GLIHSH-fahltz) is actually a combination of thanks and a return of the same to the other person. If someone gives you a compliment, tells you to have a good day, or the like, this phrase is appropriate.

What is the difference between Danke and Bitte in German?

Of the many words you first learn as a German-speaking student, both danke and bitte are two you’ll soon become familiar with. Bitte is a frequently used term in the German language, in both informal and formal settings. In many ways, using the term bitte shows respect and politeness.

How do you say thank you in German Beste?

That’s right, beste means “best”, and besten Dank means “best thanks!” – not really something we’d say in English, but a gut expression to know in German. Another good way to say “thanks a lot” in German is danke vielmals. Another Way to Say “Thank You” in German – Ich danke dir/Ihnen/euch für…

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What is the meaning of “Danke” in German?

Firstly, it’s how you say “please” in German. Secondly, it can mean “excuse me”. Say bitte? or wie bitte? as a polite way to ask someone to repeat themselves. If someone offers you something, bitte is one way to say “yes”. Saying danke to an offer means “no”. “My Pleasure” in German – Gern geschehen

What is the difference between Danke and Bitte?

Generally, the same as Danke, Bitte is the safest and most common way to respond to someone expressing their gratitude. Once you begin to discover the German inside jokes, you’ll see that there’s one going around about Bitte being the perfect answer for everything in German (hahaha – I know). Bitte — You’re welcome

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