
Was ist das Cullen Virus?

Was ist das Cullen Virus?

Die Infektion mit diesem Virus löst hämorrhagisches Fieber aus. Es trat in Deutschland erstmals 1967 auf – über importierte grüne Meerkatzen aus Uganda. Übertragungswege sind der Kontakt zu infizierten Tieren und Menschen.

Woher kommt der Marburg-Virus?

Herkunft und Verbreitung Das Virus stammt vermutlich aus Zentralafrika. Sehr wahrscheinlich wurde es 1967 mit Versuchsaffen (Meerkatzen) aus Uganda in die Laboratorien des Pharmakonzerns Behringwerke im hessischen Marburg eingeschleppt.

Wie kommt es zu Ebola?

Herkunft allgemein. Die Viren stammen aus den tropischen Regenwäldern Zentralafrikas und Südostasiens (Spezies Reston-Ebolavirus). Von Wissenschaftlern wurden sie zum ersten Mal 1976 in Yambuku, Zaire (seit 1997 Demokratische Republik Kongo) entdeckt; sie traten nahezu gleichzeitig im Sudan auf.

What is Marburg virus disease (MVD)?

Marburg virus disease (MVD) is a rare but severe hemorrhagic fever which affects both people and non-human primates. MVD is caused by the Marburg virus, a genetically unique zoonotic (or, animal-borne) RNA virus of the filovirus family. The six species of Ebola virus are the only other known members of the filovirus family.

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What is the reservoir host of Marburg virus?

The reservoir host of Marburg virus is the African fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus. Fruit bats infected with Marburg virus do not to show obvious signs of illness. Primates (including humans) can become infected with Marburg virus, and may develop serious disease with high mortality.

How does Marburg virus spread in Uganda?

African fruit bats ( Rousettus aegyptiacus) flying outside a cave and observation platform in western Uganda. It is unknown how Marburg virus first spreads from its animal host to people; however, for the 2 cases in tourists visiting Uganda in 2008, unprotected contact with infected bat feces or aerosols are the most likely routes of infection.

Can humans get Marburg virus from bats?

The reservoir host of Marburg virus is the African fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus. Fruit bats infected with Marburg virus do not show obvious signs of illness. Primates (including people) can become infected with Marburg virus, and may develop serious disease with high mortality.

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