Warum landen Mails in Quarantane?

Warum landen Mails in Quarantäne?

Wenn der Spam-Filter E-Mails nicht überprüfen kann, gelten diese als „suspekt“ und werden generell in die Quarantäne verschoben. Blacklists jeweils für beide Adressen getrennt unter spam.tu-braunschweig.de:28443 konfiguriert werden müssen.

Was sind Quarantäne Mails?

Microsoft schützt Ihr E-Mail-Postfach mit mehrstufigen Sicherheitssystemen vor Spamnachrichten. Verdächtige E-Mails leitet Office 365 in die sogenannte Quarantäne um. Sie erhalten regelmäßig eine Übersicht aller Nachrichten per E-Mail, die in der Quarantäne gespeichert sind (siehe oben).

Was ist Quarantine Summary?

The Quarantine Summary enables users to quickly determine the type and number of messages that were quarantined. Your administrator also configures the information that appears in your Quarantine Summary.

Why am I getting a Microsoft account security alert?

In Microsoft Office 365 Dedicated/ITAR (vNext), you receive an email message that has the subject „Microsoft account security alert,“ and you are worried that it’s a phishing email message. Cause You may have set your Office 365 work account as a secondary email address on your Microsoft Live account.

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What is a Microsoft account security alert (Vnext)?

In Microsoft Office 365 Dedicated/ITAR (vNext), you receive an email message that has the subject „Microsoft account security alert,“ and you are worried that it’s a phishing email message. You may have set your Office 365 work account as a secondary email address on your Microsoft Live account.

Is it safe to send emails from my Microsoft account?

While some users may have felt that the emails are safe because they are coming from a legitimate Microsoft email address, it is always important to remember that the From email address can always be spoofed to be from any account an attacker wants.

What is the Microsoft account security alert for Office 365 ProPlus?

Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post. In Microsoft Office 365 Dedicated/ITAR (vNext), you receive an email message that has the subject „Microsoft account security alert,“ and you are worried that it’s a phishing email message.

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